AWOL in New York

The Philadelphia Phillies suspend Dick Allen and fine their enigmatic, All-Star first baseman $2,500 for missing a twi-night doubleheader 55 years ago today against the New York Mets at Shea Stadium.

Seems that Allen is late traveling to Shea after spending a day at the races at a New Jersey’s Monmouth Park, where his horse, Trick Fire, is competing.

While driving the 71-mile leg from Monmouth to Shea, Allen hears on the car radio that the Phillies are suspending him for his tardiness.

Instead of continuing his drive to the ballpark in Queens, Allen makes a U-turn and heads home to Philadelphia.

Allen does not play again until July 24.

The Phillies also fine Allen $1,000 earlier in the 1969 season when for two straight days he arrives late at the ballpark.

The Phillies – much to the delight of Allen and their frustrated fans – trade their most gifted player after the 1969 season to St. Louis.

“I’m no angel, but I haven’t done anything more than others have done,” Allen tells reporters after joining the Cardinals for spring training in 1970.

“I don’t think I’m as bad as I’m made out to be. I did things in Philadelphia, but I don’t have any intention of doing those things in St. Louis. I came here with the intention of playing ball.”

He does, but only for one season.

Then, the Cardinals trade him to the Los Angeles Dodgers, who after sharing just one summer with Allen in Southern California send him the Chicago White Sox.


Goodbye in South Philly


The trailblazing Bernice Gera