Back to school special

Bob Feller, then a 17-year-old farm boy-turned-rookie with the Cleveland Indians, strikes out an American League-record 17 batters as he beats the Philadelphia Athletics 5-2 in the first game of a Sunday doubleheader 88 years ago today at Cleveland’s old League Park.

Feller allows only two hits – singles by Chubby Dean in the third inning and Wally Moses in the seventh.

He strikes out every Philadelphia batter at least one time with rookie Hal Luby being victimized three times.

Still, Feller has a hectic day as he also walks nine batters with Dean and Moses each walking twice.

After the season, the Indians send Feller back home to Van Meter, Iowa, so he can, well, graduate from high school before rejoining them for good in July 1937 to continue his Hall of Fame career.


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