Oh, it’s only money, Mr. Mack

Connie Mack

Looking to make some fast money by flipping more of his players, Baltimore Orioles owner Jack Dunn makes an offer to Philadelphia Athletics manager Connie Mack 110 years ago today.

Dunn, a frequent dealer of players to Mack and the Athletics, is asking for $10,000 for three of his players.

Jack Dunn

The parsimonious Mack says no, thanks, in turning down a chance to acquire pitcher Ernie Shore, onetime A’s catcher Ben Egan and a fledgling, 19-year-old pitcher named George Ruth.

Dunn then offers Cincinnati an opportunity to buy a couple of those players and the Reds take George – alas, an outfielder named Twombly, not the pitcher named Ruth – and shortstop Claud Derrick.

Finally, Dunn finds a taker in the Boston Red Sox, who send $25,000 to Baltimore for Shore, Egan and that George fella, who soon grows up to become Babe Ruth and ends up with the New York Yankees as the new face of the game.


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