Seasoned citizens at work

Tommy John with the Yankees

Facing the Seattle Mariners, the New York Yankees trot out their own ancient mariners 38 years ago today by starting 43-year-old Tommy John and 41-year-old Joe Niekro in their Saturday night doubleheader before a crowd of 26,065 at the Kingdome.

John loses the first game 1-0 on a two-out RBI single by Jim Presley in the eighth inning.

Niekro then works the first five innings of the Yankees’ 3-0 victory in the second game.

John and Niekro are the first teammates older than 40 to start a doubleheader since Sept. 13, 1933, when the Chicago White Sox dust off Sad Sam Jones and future Hall of Famer Red Faber for a doubleheader split against the Philadelphia Athletics at Shibe Park.

The 41-year-old Jones wins the first game, pitching a complete game in a 3-2 victory.

The 44-year-old Faber then works the first six innings of a 4-2 loss in the second game.


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