Taking Giant steps

Oscar Charleston

A meeting 104 years ago today in Kansas City – the one in Missouri, not Kansas – leads to the formation of the Negro National League, which sets up eight teams that include the fabled Kansas City Monarchs, Detroit Stars and Indianapolis ABCs.

Within two years, Harrisburg joins an offshoot league known as the Eastern Colored League.

The Harrisburg Giants, in their short but formidable existence, feature future Hall of Famers Oscar Charleston (pictured here in Dick Perez’s fabulous artwork) and Ben Taylor, as well as others – including Rap Dixon, Fats Jenkins and John Beckwith – who in 2006 receive serious consideration for induction into Cooperstown.

In 2020, Major League Baseball finally recognizes seven of the Negro Leagues, including the Eastern Colored League, and adds to its own records the accomplishments of the Harrisburg Giants and so many others who play in relative obscurity next to the major leagues that for so long exclude them.


The trading of Rod Carew


Quote of the day: Hank Aaron on hitting