When the pitcher becomes the left fielder
Charles Bender (Charles Conlon photo)
Four years after discovering Charles Albert “Chief” Bender playing semi-pro ball on Harrisburg's historic City Island in 1902, Philadelphia Athletics manager Connie Mack is forced to use his prized pitcher in the field 118 years ago today as injuries deplete his roster.
Bender, who goes on to a Hall of Fame career as a pitcher, finds himself playing left field and acquitting himself quite well with a pair of inside-the-park homers off Boston’s Jessie Tannehill.
The homers come during Philadelphia’s 11-4 victory before a Tuesday afternoon crowd of 5,111 at the Americans’ Huntington Avenue ballpark.
While he wins 212 games during his career as a pitcher, Bender also is a decent hitter – for a pitcher, anyway.
Bender finishes his 16-year career with a .212 batting average with six homers, including the two he hits 118 years ago today.