Philly’s finest

Phillies right-hander and future Hall of Famer Grover Cleveland – please, call me “Pete” – Alexander picks up his 20th victory of the 1916 season with a 1-0, 12-inning shutout of the Chicago Cubs 108 years ago today at Philadelphia’s Baker Bowl.

That Alexander wins 20 games hardly is newsworthy – he wins at least 21 games in nine of his 22 seasons in the majors.

What is newsworthy is Alexander’s 20th victory of the 1916 season surpasses the win total up to that point of the up-the-street and down-on-their-luck Philadelphia Athletics.

Alexander finishes the 1916 season with 33 victories – only three fewer wins than what the woebegone A’s eventually total that summer.


Waiving goodbye to Philly


Family affair